California Environmental Reporting System: Regulator

The CERS Regulator Portal is for use by authorized CUPA/PA staff and other authorized state/federal regulators approved for access by Cal/EPA. Business users should use the CERS Business Portal.

Announcements, governance, and other CERS information is available at CERS Central.

CERS Regulator Sign-In

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New to CERS?

To start managing your agency's facilities, submittals, and CME data, create a CERS account.

Create New Account  

Want to experiment with CERS?
Use the Regulator Training Portal to learn how to use CERS by reviewing and managing test facilities and submittals created in the Business Training Portal. Go to CERS Regulator Training Portal

Are you a CERS Business user?
Sign in to the CERS Business Portal, or visit CERS Central